Wear your baby.


Baby wearing can be super intimidating. Relieve some of the overwhelm by learning to wear your baby well with this handy cheat sheet!


I've included my most-asked questions as well as my most popular resource videos to help you on your baby wearing journey.

Drop your email below for a FREE instant download of my Baby Wearing Cheat Sheet!

Hi, I'm Sarah!

I'm a mom of 3 and a 200hr+ yoga teacher with a specialized training in pre/postnatal yoga instruction. I support moms through yoga in person in NYC and online around the world, and I'm honored to be part of your journey.


I've worn 3 different babies all with different preferences and personalities, and I think baby wearing is such an incredible gift. Like pregnancy, it's a privilege and a sacrifice.


I care about helping you baby wear well so that you don't get burnt out. A lot of moms want to baby wear, and either they get overwhelmed or their baby gets heavier (or both!), and they stop altogether. This free Baby Wearing Cheat Sheet is my attempt at equipping more moms to baby wear well.


The guide includes my top six Q&A as well as a few resource videos that can help you in your journey.


Drop your name + email in the form above, and I'll send you my free Baby Wearing Cheat Sheet today.


(Here's me with Baby #1, about 14 months old!)