mom bod pregnancy Jan 15, 2024

In case it needs to be said: I don’t think it’s ever appropriate to comment on a pregnant woman’s body. (like, EVER)

I’ve heard it all, from “No matter how big you get, at least you’re not as big as ______” to “You don’t look big enough to be that far along!”


In my last pregnancy, I had an [older] neighbor lady tell me when I shared how far along I was– “Hm…looks…BIG.”


Here’s my point. Whether someone’s commenting with an explicitly negative/rude comment, or they think they’re complimenting the pregnant woman, it is not appropriate.


Why does the world act like just because they SEE my belly they have a right to make a comment about it? (I can’t help but feel a little awkward already because I’m basically walking around with a sign across my body that says “WE HAD SEX AND IT WORKED.”)


What if you say to someone, “Oh wow you’re carrying so small!” (as if it’s a good thing because small bodies are the only beautiful bodies, right?! ugh…) but this woman actually is facing the fact that her baby has IUGR? So you’re actually pouring salt in a wound?


Or imagine that a woman who’s gained 70 pounds in her pregnancy hears comments about how big she looks, when in reality she tried for YEARS to get pregnant, and this is the result of those IVF hormonal treatments?! Or maybe it’s just HOW HER BODY FREAKING CARRIES A BABY!


(Whew, deep breath, Sarah.)


Listen, I am not someone who’s dealt with a lot of body image issues in my life. I’m not particularly sensitive, and I’ve thankfully never faced an eating disorder personally. But even when I was pregnant the first time, I dreaded my belly growing and it suddenly becoming other people’s business, just because they could see me walking around with a belly.


So let’s stop commenting about how pregnant women look, shall we? It’s just so unnecessary.


Really though, I’d love to hear from you on this one. What should we say to people who make these comments? What should we ourselves say instead? (Because I get it–sometimes our mouths speak before our brains have a chance to think.)


And hey, if you’re feeling really spicy, leave a comment and tell me the best worst comment you ever heard. 

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