mom bod postpartum Jan 29, 2024

You already know last week I had a lot to say about comments toward a pregnant body. (ICYMI)


Well today, I’m talking postpartum.


Because somehow it Just. Never. Ends.


And maybe I just need to smile politely when someone says, “You look great!” because maybe they do actually mean “wow you’re glowing and look so happy with a baby in your arms!” but in my experience, that’s not usually what people mean.


Usually they mean (or they flat out say) “Wow you look like you never even had a baby!”


I’m sorry, what does that even mean?? Are we really still prizing skinny bodies in 2024??


And need I remind us all that just because someone “looks like they never had a baby” does not mean they’re not peeing when they sneeze, sex isn’t incredible painful, or they’re not suffering from low back pain. (Hello, Mama Core workshop…!)


And hey, if that’s you, suffering from those things I just mentioned, remember it doesn’t have to be that way. Watch the workshop and stop peeing your pants by next weekend…seriously!


Remember: The cost of being a mom is not a body that doesn’t work. <3

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