Why You'll Never Hear Me Call Something "Safe" for Pregnancy

pregnancy Sep 11, 2023

You'll never hear me call something "safe" for pregnancy or postpartum.

Like, really, can we stop using that language?

Yoga is highly recommended form of exercise during pregnancy because it's considered “safe,” which I really think people think means "easy" or that other forms of exercise are going to endanger you or your baby.


Can we please stop using the word "safe" when it comes to pregnancy and prenatal exercise?


It sends the message that we should constantly be wondering if what we're doing is going to harm our baby.


But guess what–your baby is REALLY well-packaged in there, so unless you have a specific condition with specific doctor's orders to avoid specific activities, you can probably ease off a bit. No–it’s not a free-for-all, but please don’t be afraid to move your body.


Here are the basics to keep in mind as you’re exercising in pregnancy:

  1. Strengthen just as much as you stretch.
  2. Conduct every movement with control and stability.
  3. Lower the intensity, change the exercise, or try again later if you notice something's off.


Things to watch for:

  • Dizziness / nausea
  • Coning or doming in the abdomen
  • Pressure, pain, or leaking in pelvic floor
  • And, you know, normal things that make you say OW


REMEMBER: If you notice any of these, unless your medical provider tells you specifically otherwise, it's probably just your body's sign that that exercise isn't working for you.


Looking for guidance in your pre/postnatal exercise regimen?  You already know I’m your girl! Learn from me on IG or Pinterest, book a private session, or join Birth & Beyond. I’m here for you.

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